走進翺飛科(kē)技(jì )

At Affinity, chemistry is an art. We deliver professional excellence and customer satisfactions. Over 150 chemists with 35 PhDs are ready to service you: Small Molecule Services: With our expertise in synthesis, process development, scale-up engineering, and manufacture capability, we partner with customers to provide high quality contract services, focus on safe, green and cost-cut process. Polymer Services: With our profound understanding of polymer structure-property relationships and our expertise in precisely controlled polymerization, we offer customers polymers with specific requirements for MW, MWD, structure and functionality. Products: With our proprietary technologies, we offer our customers next generation new products. Our product lines include ADC linkers; PrecisePEGTM; PEGylated products; Functionalized biodegradable polymers; Special building blocks; New optic-electronic materials.

Innovation is the spirit of Affinity culture. Affinity always stands at the forefront of global new technology!
From complex synthesis to environmentally friendly and cost-effective process development, Affinity team provides you with high-quality and fast turnaround services and innovative products.
Core Technologies
ü Complex Multi-step Organic Synthesis
ü Precisely Controlled Polymerization
ü Process Development and Scale-up Engineering
ü Continuous Process, Green Chemistry
ü Single MW PEG and PEGylation
ü ADC Linkers
ü Functionalized Bioabsorbable Polymers

World top technical team
Cutting edge proprietary technologies
Extensive global experiences
Effective utilization of global resources
Green chemistry, win-win partnership
Excellent track records of EHS, quality and delivery
Affinitytech Products and Services
以人為(wèi)本,科(kē)技(jì )創新(xīn),信譽至上,安(ān)全第一!新(xīn)聞中(zhōng)心
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